От издателя I wish I may, I wish I might, become my sister for a night! Seventeen-year-old Alexia hasn't been herself lately Neither has fifteen-year-old Hayley But it's not puberty that's causing the commбхсдсotion It's something a bit more complicated Hayley (Danielle Harris, Urban Legend) is an average teenager, a grungy bran ac with no fashion sense The only thing average about her sister Alexia (Katherine Heigl of TV's Roswell) is her grades But there's nothing aveвдщмоrage about the sibling rivalry that explodes when a wish makes them switch places Hayley is ecstatic: the car keys, the guys, the cool friends - suddenly they're all hers And Alexia gets… well, Alexia gets as mad as you'd expect for a pretty and popular teenage girl in this situation After all, life among the clueless Hayleys of the world is no life for someone blessed with a gift for accessorizing But after a couple of days in each other's shoes Hayley and Alexia begin to undersвпзиуtand each other - and themselves - better Now their biggest problem is finding a way to reverse the wish! Режиссер: Блэр Трэ Продюсеры: Дэвид Андерсон Дон Чейн Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Director and Writer's Commentary Filmographies Interactive Menus Scene Selections Режиссер Блэр Трэ Blair Treu Актеры (показать всех актеров) Кэтрин Хейгл Katherine Heigl Даниэль Харрис Danielle Harris Danielle Andrea Harris Скотт Уилкинсон Scott Wilkinson.
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